Thursday, 28 October 2010

Pisces in Pain

John's daily horoscope read;"Avoid outdoor activities today as Venus' alignment suggests impending concussion."

Michael, not satisfied with Pizza Hut's "All You Can Eat" policy, has taken the matter to court today.

Settle down people

After inital doubts had subsided the players seemed to enjoy intepretive dance training.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Houston, we have a problem.

A serious threat that can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Lucky for 28 yr old Mike from Kent (pictured above) his fast acting friends were on hand. Maintain vigilance against this very real menace.

Trip Fairies

Dan was quietly reading his book when the Acid kicked in.

Calculator Confusion

Debbie and Ian can't quite remember how to make the calculator say " BOOBS"

Improved Puppeteering

Dave's puppeteering skills are second to none.